By Unknown Monday, December 15, 2014 tutorial Little things I would teach to my younger software engineer self - #6 The "debugger trance" Looking back at the various stages of my career, I realized I could have learned some basic stuff way earlier than I did. Even if I missed t...
By Unknown 9:27 AM tutorial Little things I would teach to my younger software engineer self - #5 Taking unit testing seriously Looking back at the various stages of my career, I realized I could have learned some basic stuff way earlier than I did. Even if I missed t...
By Unknown Sunday, December 14, 2014 tutorial Little things I would teach to my younger software engineer self - #4 Life in the console Looking back at the various stages of my career, I realized I could have learned some basic stuff way earlier than I did. Even if I missed t...
By Unknown 4:32 PM tutorial Little things I would teach to my younger software engineer self - #3 Git-fu Looking back at the various stages of my career, I realized I could have learned some basic stuff way earlier than I did. Even if I missed t...
By Unknown 3:55 PM tutorial Little things I would teach to my younger software engineer self - #2 Vi Keybindings Looking back at the various stages of my career, I realized I could have learned some basic stuff way earlier than I did. Even if I missed t...
By Unknown 3:53 PM tutorial Little things I would teach to my younger software engineer self - #1 Touch Typing Looking back at the various stages of my career, I realized I could have learned some basic stuff way earlier than I did. Even if I missed t...
By Unknown Sunday, September 21, 2014 drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 10 - Preflight checkups and maiden flight ! Before putting the props on, you have to calibrate the accelerometers. Find a quiet and flat place to put your quadcopter on. Fire up ez gui...
By Unknown 12:08 AM drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 9 - Calibrating your ESCs and fix the throttle Connect your ESCs to the FC. Again, be careful and connect the signal wires (white) on the inside. You should use 2, 3, 5, and 6. They shoul...
By Unknown 12:07 AM drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 8 - Hooking up the FC Testing out the receiver (RX) with the flight controller (FC) Let's connect the RX to the FC and test it out like that. First upload the...
By Unknown 12:06 AM drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 6 - Mechanical assembly The frame itself is quite obvious to mount as its documentation is quite clear. But the motor assembly is not. Here is the end result. - use...
By Unknown 12:06 AM drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 7 - Motors + ESCs setup and test Charging up a battery It is a 3S which means 3 elements of 3.7 volts adding up to 11.1v. When you'll charge it up through the little con...
By Unknown 12:05 AM drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 5 - Assembling the power components Here is an overview of what we gonna need to do: The convention is always the same to avoid shorting cable: anything with live power is fem...
By Unknown 12:04 AM drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 4 - Dev environment Development environment Ha, finally the easy part ;) Toolchain The FC is programmed like an arduino so you'll need the arduino toolchai...
By Unknown 12:03 AM drone tutorial DIY drone - tutorial for developers | Part 3 - Ordering the parts I used but I am not affiliated with them in any way, you can take this as the baseline of stuff that work together The order i...